Blood Red Hawkfish - Cirrhitops fasciatus - Blood Hawk Fish

Medium 2" - 3"
Large 3" - 5"

Also known as the Banded Hawkfish or Redbar Hawkfish, Blood Red Hawkfish gets its name from the bright red body with bluish-white freckles on the face and light vertical stripes along the body. A species that can take all the hostility an aggressive community aquarium can deliver, the Blood Red Hawkfish is a bold predator, a quality that makes them virtually indestructible and thus free from any sort of major care. The Blood Red Hawkfish is also not much sensitive to the water quality. Protogynous hermaphrodites by nature, the Blood Red Hawkfish has the ability to change sex from female to male and is very difficult to make one breed in captivity.
Maximum Size: The Blood Red Hawkfish grows up to a maximum size of 5 inches.
General Size: The aquarium species of the Blood Red Hawkfish generally grows between 1 inch and 2 and ½ inches.
Minimum Tank Size Suggested: The ideal size of the aquarium for keeping the Blood Red Hawkfish should be 30 gallons or more.
Habitat: The Blood Red Hawkfish is found among the coral reefs in tropical ocean waters around the world.
Tank Conditions: A Blood Red Hawkfish is quite hardy by nature; therefore, its tank mates should be larger in size and semi-aggressive at the least. An extra large tank would be ideal; however, it’s better if kept with larger fishes. The tank or aquarium should also have structures to perch on and nooks and crannies for the Blood Red Hawkfish to hide. Corals and other ornamental crustaceans and smaller fishes are all right though the Blood Red Hawkfish has a tendency to consume them. The temperature should vary between 72-78°F with a pH level of 8.1-8.4.
Feeding and Diet: Small fish and crustaceans are the prime diet of the Blood Red Hawkfish, though a variety of marine meats, frozen preparations and live feeder shrimp would do well. The favorite food includes shrimp, fish, clams, worms, etc. and smaller fishes also make for them a preferred diet.

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