Long Tentacle Anemone - Macrodactyla doreensis - Corkscrew Anemone - Long Tentacle Red Base Anemone - Red Base Anemone
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Long Tentacle Anemone - Macrodactyla doreensis
Long Tentacle Anemone belongs to the Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Cnidaria, Family Actiniidae, Genus Macrodactyla and Species doreensis.
Scientific names:
The scientific name of Long Tentacle Anemone is Macrodactyla doreensis.
Other common names:
Long Tentacle Anemone is also called as Corkscrew Anemone, Red Base Anemone, Sand Anemone and Long Tentacle Red Base Anemone.
Origin or natural range:
Macrodactyla doreensis is found in the Indo-Pacific region.
Long Tentacle Anemone occurs in brown, orange, red, grey and purple colors and their variations.
Macrodactyla doreensis is aggressive towards the other marine aquarium invertebrates.
Habit & Habitat:
- Long Tentacle Anemone generally hides in the rubble or sand with just its tentacles being visible.
- Macrodactyla doreensis generally hosts the clownfish such as Amphiprion perideraion and Amphiprion clarki to name some.
- The nematocysts of Long Tentacle Anemone are used to catch prey as well as a defense mechanism by the Anemone.
- The oral disc of Macrodactyla doreensis is quite prominent and grows to a diameter of around twenty inches.
- Long Tentacle Anemone has a single polyp.
- The spaced tentacles of Macrodactyla doreensis are tipped by stinging cells, nematocysts.
- The mouth of Long Tentacle Anemone is a slit and is situated in the center of the body of the Anemone.
- Macrodactyla doreensis lacks anus and therefore, its mouth is used as anus as well.
- The base of Long Tentacle Anemone is generally red or orange in color.
Growth enabling environment in your marine aquarium:
- Temperature of water: Seventy-two to seventy-eight degrees Fahrenheit.
- Specific gravity of water: 1.023 to 1.025.
- pH of water: 8.10 to 8.40.
- Water flow in the aquarium: Long Tentacle Anemone requires moderate water flow in the marine aquarium hosting it.
- Illumination: Macrodactyla doreensis needs high intensity lighting in the reef tank it inhabits.
- Habit & habitat:
- To host a Long Tentacle Anemone, your aquarium should be a reef type marine aquarium with a capacity of at least thirty gallons.
- Your reef aquarium should have around four inches of Sand, rubble and rocks layer in it so that Long Tentacle Anemone can hide under them.
- Before introducing Macrodactyla doreensis into your marine aquarium take it out of its shipped packet. Now, put the Anemone in clean salt water for half an hour before putting it in your tank.
- Keep Long Tentacle Anemone away from the other members in your reef tank as it may sting them badly upon coming in contact with them.
- Feeding & Nutrition:
- Macrodactyla doreensis derives its nutrition chiefly through photosynthesis which is performed by zooxanthellae, an acellular photosynthetic alga living symbiotically within the Anemone.
- Long Tentacle Anemone is Carnivorous in feeding habit and filter feeds many times per week, when open.
- Macrodactyla doreensis eats the frozen meaty bits of fish, brine shrimp, crustaceans and mussels, acellular marine invertebrates, zooplankton and phytoplankton.
- Add Iodine and Trace Elements as dietary supplements for Long Tentacle Anemone.
Macrodactyla doreensis requires moderate care.
- The sting of Long Tentacle Anemone is very powerful and the Anemone stings anything that comes in its contact. Therefore, keep your other marine aquarium invertebrates at a very safe distance from Long Tentacle Anemone.
- Macrodactyla doreensis can sting even you. Therefore, be very careful while handling it. Do wear your plastic gloves when touching a Long tentacle Anemone. In case you develop allergic reactions after touching the Anemone, seek medical help immediately.

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