Cerith Snail - Cerithidae genus

Taxonomy: Cerith Snail belongs to the Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Mollusca, Class Gastropoda, Family Pteriidae, Genus Cerithidae and Species genus.
Scientific names: The scientific name of Cerith Snail is Cerithidae genus.
Origin or natural range: Cerithidae genus originates from the Caribbean Sea, the Eastern Pacific Ocean including Mexico and Baja California.
Size: Cerith Snail may grow up to a size of around one inch.
Color: Cerithidae genus occurs in Tan, Green, White and Black colors.
Aggression: Cerith Snail is non-aggressive towards the marine aquarium members.
Compatibility: Cerithidae genus is reef compatible.
Venom status: Cerith Snail is non-poisonous in nature.
Life expectancy: Cerithidae genus lives for many years.
Habit & Habitat:
- In its natural habitat, Cerith Snail is found near rocky reefs on sandy bottoms.
- Cerith Snail is Nocturnal in habit and therefore, burrows itself in the substrate during the day time and sleeps, while the snail is active at night.
- Cerith Snail has an inch long and pointed shell, patterned with spirals and projections. The colors of the shell may be varied and it may be Green owing to the growth of Coralline Algae on it.
- The mantle of Cerithidae genus is large and fleshy and regularly secretes shell to keep up its size to the body growth.
- Tank type: To host Cerith Snail, you should have a fully established Reef Type Marine Aquarium or Fish Only With Live Rock (FOWLR) Aquarium.
- Aquarium set-up: Your reef tank should have a thick layer of sand and an ample quantity of rocks, Live Rocks, Corals and rock caves in it for Cerithidae genus to hide in and search for food on.
- Water Capacity: You should keep one Cerith Snail per two gallons water in your marine aquarium. If your tank has a lot of algal growth then, the ratio changes to one snail per gallon of water.
- Temperature of water: Seventy-two to seventy-eight degrees Fahrenheit.
- Specific gravity of water: 1.023 to 1.025.
- pH of water: 8.10 to 8.40.
- Illumination: Cerith Snail requires illumination in the marine aquarium it inhabits.
- Acclimation: Slowly acclimate Cerithidae genus to your reef tank’s environment using the Slow Drip Method. The process takes a minimum time period of two hours.
- Diet: Cerith Snail is Omnivorous and a Scavenger in feeding habit.
- Food content: Cerithidae genus eats algae, especially Red Hair Algae, Cyanobacteria, Film Algae or Diatom Algae, fish wastes and meaty bits. The snail scavenges for detritus.
- Supplements:
- You can supplement the food of Cerith Snail with dried seaweed. Wrap a rock in the seaweed and place it on the substrate angled with the aquarium glass.
- Add Calcium to the water as dietary supplement for the shell growth of Cerithidae genus. Maintain the calcium level in the water between three hundred and fifty ppm and four hundred and fifty ppm.
- Breeding: Cerith Snail does not generally breed in captivity.
- Cerithidae genus feeds upon algae and keeps your aquarium free of them.
- In an attempt to search for food, Cerith Snail sifts through the sand and in the process, aerates it well.
- Cerithidae genus scavenges on detritus, thereby keeping your marine aquarium free of perishable organic matter which would otherwise decay and contaminate the tank water.
- Cerithidae genus is easy to maintain.
- Sudden fluctuations in pH and temperature in your marine aquarium environment may give pH shock or temperature shock to Cerith Snail.
- Copper and Nitrates in any form in your marine aquarium may prove lethal for Cerithidae genus.

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