Cinnamon Clown Fish - Amphiprion melanopus - Red and Black Anemonefish - Black Fin Clownfish

Medium 1 1/4" - 2 1/2"
Large 2 1/2" - 4"

The Cinnamon Clownfish is a dark red to orange with a mahogany "saddle" on its back. Juveniles and adults have a white head band, which turns a nice blue with age. Small juveniles are red with 1 to 2 additional white bars at mid-body and base of the tail.
The Cinnamon Clownfish like many other Clownfishes build up a protective mucus covering on their scales that prevent the Anemone from being able to sting them. This may be accomplished in one of two ways: by the Clownfish absorbing the Anemones own protective mucus, which the Anemone uses to prevent from stinging its own body, or it may be that the Clownfish produces its own reactive mucus to the sting of the Anemonetakes. The Cinnamon Clownfish takes into the account anemones like entacmaea quadricolor(usually), Heteractus crispa(occasionally), Heteractus magnifica(rarely).
The Cinnamon Clownfish have 10 dorsal spines, 16 to 18 dorsal soft rays, 2 anal spines,13 to 14 anal soft rays and survives in tropical climate. The common names for Cinnamon Clownfish are Fire Clownfish, Black Anemonefish, Dusky Anemonefish, Red and Black Anemonefish.
General Size Specifications: The Cinnamon Clownfish adults can grow to 12 cm ( 4.7 inches), and the female is usually bigger than the male.
Behavior: The Cinnamon Clownfish can be territorial and aggressive, especially as they get older, and particularly to other Clownfish.
Habitat: The Cinnamon Clownfish or Fire Clownfish is a widely distributed clownfish. It is found in Indonesia (from Bali eastward), southern Philippines, New Guinea, Australia (Queensland), New Britain, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu (New Hebrides), New Caledonia, Fiji, Tonga, Samoa Islands, Society Islands, Caroline Islands, Marianas, Kiribati and Marshall Islands.
Minimum Tank Size: A 30 gallon or larger aquarium that has no other clownfish is desirable. It is semi-aggressive towards other clownfish and passive tank mates. An anemone host such as Bubble Tip (Entacmaea quadricolor) or Leathery (Heteractis crispa) is preferred, but not required.
Feeding and Diet: The Cinnamon Clownfish are omnivorous, and will eat a variety of meat food items and algae. This fish will accept all foods in the home aquarium. Flakes, brine shrimp, mysid shrimp, or algae.

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