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Clowns, also called as Anemonefish, are one of the most popular Reef Compatible pets for Marine Aquariums. Belonging to the Family Pomacentridae, Clowns are small and brightly colored fish that considerably enhance the visual appeal of an aquarium. Fresh Marine, one of the best online markets for aquarium products, offers several interesting species of Clowns. However, prior to moving on to them, let us have a fundamental idea about the key features of Clowns.
Compatibility. Clowns are Reef Compatible and aggressive creatures that can be kept together with the other peaceful aquatic pets. However, do not keep Clowns with Groupers, Sharks, Lionfish, Moray Eels, Rays, Triggerfish, and Certain Wrasses. Clowns are territorial in disposition and are aggressive towards the members of their own species. Therefore, it is better to keep only one adult or a mating pair in a water tank.Habit & Habitat. Clowns are found in the Tropical Salt Waters of the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean, as the warm temperature in these regions suits the active temperament of these fishes. Clowns are bottom dwellers, and most notably reside in Inshore Reefs and Lagoons. Clowns have a symbiotic relationship with Sea Anemones, in which Sea Anemones get food from Clowns and in turn Sea Anemones provide shelter to the Clowns. Clowns live in small groups with one Clown per Sea Anemone.
Morphology. Clowns are extremely beautiful due to their beautiful body and striking colors such as, Yellow, Orange, Red, and Black, alternated usually with vertical White bands bordered in Black. They are small in size, measuring 4-7 and are hardy. Males are smaller in size than their female counterparts.
Ideal Marine Aquarium Environment. Clowns grow well in an established Reef Type Marine Aquarium. They are not very demanding of the quality of water and can be housed in tanks as small as 20 Gallons. However, they do need Rocks and Cave to hide in for security. Nitrate levels should not be high in the aquarium water.
Aquarium Feeding. Clowns are Omnivorous and can feed upon Plankton, Mollusks, Crustacean, Copepods, Mysids, Isopods, Fish Flakes, Fish Pellets, Live Brine Shrimp, and Algae, are good choices for them.
Aquarium Breeding. Clowns can breed by themselves after reaching sexual maturity.
Care. Clowns are the easiest to maintain and are therefore, best for beginners.
Let us now look at some of the best selling Clowns available at Fresh Marine.
Genus Amphiprion.Black and White False Ocellaris Clown Fish (Amphiprion ocellaris). Also known as Black and White False Percula, Black & White False Ocellaris Clown Fish, False Percula Clownfish, False Clown Anemonefish, and Anemone Demoiselle, these Clowns are Orange in color with Black streaks on the fins, and a White bar on the Head, Body, & Caudal Peduncle. These Clowns are aggressive eaters and love meaty foods and frozen herbivore preparations. Growing up to 3.5, these Clowns require a minimum tank size of 20 Gallons.
Brown Saddle Clown Fish (Amphiprion polymnus). Also called as Saddleback Clownfish, these Clowns are Orange-Brown in color, with a large White stripe running from the Forehead to the Chest, and White spots on the Back, Saddle, and the tips of the Tail. Growing up to 5, these Clowns require a minimum aquarium size of 30 Gallons.
Cinnamon Clown Fish (Amphiprion melanopus). Also known as Fire Clownfish, Black Anemonefish, Dusky Anemonefish, Red & Black Anemonefish, and Black Fin Clownfish, these types of Clowns are dark Red to Orange in color, with a "saddle" shaped Mahogany hue on their back and a White Head Band, which turns a nice Blue with age. Growing up to a size of 4.7, these Clowns require an aquarium of 30 Gallons size or more.
Clarkii Clown Fish (Amphiprion clarkii). Also known as Yellowtail Clownfish, Clarks Clownfish, or Clark's Anemonefish, has vivid Black, White, and Yellow stripes with White or Yellow Tail Fin. Clarkii Clownfish is the hardiest of all the varieties. Growing up to 5.5, these Clowns require a minimum tank size of 30 Gallons.
Orange Skunk Clown Fish (Amphiprion sandaracinos). Also known as Pink Anemonefish and Skunk-striped Anemonefish, these Clowns are pale Orange in color, with one White stripe running from behind the Head to the entire length of the Back. Growing up to 5.5, these Clowns require a minimum of 30 Gallons tank size.
Pink Skunk Clown Fish (Amphiprion perideraion). Also known as the Pink Skunk Anemonefish, Pink Anemonefish, Pink Skunk Clownfish, and False Skunk-striped Anemonefish, it has a Peach-Orange base color, with one White stripe running from the nose and down the entire length of the back. Growing up to a maximum size of 4 inches, these Clowns require a minimum of 20 Gallons tank size.
Tomato clownfish (Amphiprion frenatus). Also known as Bridled Clownfish, Red Clownfish, and Tomato Anemonefish Clownfish, these Clowns are bright Orange-Red in color with one White vertical stripe just behind the eyes, joined over the head. It turns aggressive and territorial as it ages, hence, difficult to maintain. Growing up to a maximum size of 5.5, these Clowns require a minimum of 30 Gallons tank size.
True Percula Clown Fish (Amphiprion percula). Also known as Orange Clownfish and Clown Anemonefish, these Clowns are Orange in color with three white stripes and black markings on the fins. Growing up to a maximum of 3.1, these Clowns require a tank of minimum 20 Gallons capacity.
Genus PremnasWhite Stripe Maroon Clown Fish (Premnas biaculeatus). Also known as the SpineCheek Anemonefish Clownfish and Maroon Anemonefish, these Clowns have Red colored body with a wide White Stripe on the forehead. Several White Bands grace the middle of the body and the front of the Anal Fin. The Yellow Stripe Maroon Clown Fish is similar to the White Stripe Maroon Clown Fish except that it has Yellow stripes, instead of White. Maroon Clownfish can grow up to 6.3 and require a minimum tank size of 30 Gallons.
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Clowns, also called as Anemonefish, are one of the most popular Reef Compatible pets for Marine Aquariums. Belonging to the Family Pomacentridae, Clowns are small and brightly colored fish that considerably enhance the visual appeal of an aquarium. Fresh Marine, one of the best online markets for aquarium products, offers several interesting species of Clowns. However, prior to moving on to them, let us have a fundamental idea about the key features of Clowns.
Compatibility. Clowns are Reef Compatible and aggressive creatures that can be kept together with the other peaceful aquatic pets. However, do not keep Clowns with Groupers, Sharks, Lionfish, Moray Eels, Rays, Triggerfish, and Certain Wrasses. Clowns are territorial in disposition and are aggressive towards the members of their own species. Therefore, it is better to keep only one adult or a mating pair in a water tank.
Let us now look at some of the best selling Clowns available at Fresh Marine.
Genus Amphiprion.
Genus Premnas
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