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Caribsea Inc is a name akin to Aragonite, a form of Calcium Carbonate. Importance of Calcium is well known especially in Marine Aquariums and so is the effectiveness of Caribsea products. Since 1972, Caribsea has been offering several substrates based simulated aquatic environment solutions to the world at large. The results are obvious in the form of well-grown, healthy, and colorful aquarium inmates. Fresh Marine brings to you a wide collection of these excellent products. Let us have a brief look.
Aquarium Substrates. Aquarium Substrates are the substances deployed on the bottom of the tank for improving its water quality chemically, performing Biological Filtration, and boosting the overall health of its occupants, while also enhancing its display value. The choice of Aquarium Substrates is largely decided by the type of Aquarium, Freshwater or Marine, it will be used in. The dark tone imparted to a tank by Aquarium Substrates sooths the fish by preventing the undesirable excess light from reaching the tank through a clear base. The Aquarium Substrates by Caribsea are available in 20 lbs packs, except for the 1-Gallon size of Caribsea Mineral Mud.Caribsea Aragalive Sand Live Sands. These Aquarium Substrates, meant for the deep lying Sand Beds in a Marine Aquarium, supplement the display value of the tank they are dispensed in. Caribsea’s Aragalive is rich in a wide range of beneficial bacteria, right from the standard Marine Bacteria to some of the select strains. These Marine Bacteria then work together to beneficially decompose harmful Ammonia, Nitrate, and Nitrite, present in the aquarium water. As a result, this Aquarium Substrate helps a tank attain a natural biological balance, while also aiding in the cycling of a new aquarium at an accelerated pace and securely. Caribsea's Aragalive Sand Live Sand is available in the following variations:
Fiji Pink. This Aragalive consists of uniquely designed Pink Flecks that enhance the visual appeal of the aquarium they are dispensed in.
Bahama Oolite. It is a powerful Denitrifier especially in deep sand beds, while being safe for Sifters and Soft Bellied Fish (especially Sharks & Rays).
West Caribbean Reef. Excellent for Plenum and Berlin Systems, this Aquarium Substrate also has a variety of grain sizes, which are used as a burrowing & living medium by burrowing animals, especially Jawfish.
Special Grade Reef. This Aquarium Substrate, safe for Soft Belly and Sifters, is meant for Jaubert (Plenum) Systems. It can also form Static Beds in Berlin Systems.
Caribsea Eco Complete. This Planted Aquarium Gravel Substrate initially raises the pH & KH value of the aquarium water (especially RO /DI), while not affecting them in the long term. This rise in pH & KH is mainly attributed to the slight increase of Calcium Carbonate levels in the aquarium water, not in the Aquarium Substrate, which too goes usually in the first few couple of weeks of water changes. Introducing aquatic plants in the tanks also helps. Caution however, should be exercised during this initial period to not introduce the pH sensitive animals in the tank. Perfect for the bed depth of at least three inches, deploy two pounds of this Aquarium Substrate per Gallon of water. African Cichlid Aquarium Gravel Substrate is a variant in the range.
Caribsea Mineral Mud. This Refugium Mineral Substrate, as the name suggests, is used in a Refugium Aquarium with lighting, plants, and algae in it. This Aquarium Substrate provides the right platform for the quick formation of beneficial Anaerobic Denitrifying Bed, and is a rich medium for growing various types of Marine Aquatic Plants and Algae. As a result, Mineral Mud facilitates nutrients export, through Algae & Plants, while also boosting the micro faunal growth in the tank.
Calcium Kalkwasser. Calcium is a much-needed element in a Marine or Reef Aquarium, as Corals need it for their growth and development and to stay attached to their exoskeleton. This Calcium gap is well fulfilled by one of its best supplement forms, Calcium Kalkwasser, which contains Calcium Hydroxide and a type of Calcium, known as Pure Calcium. Calcium Kalkwasser raises the pH and KH/alkalinity levels of the aquarium water to keep these parameters to the desired levels, which are otherwise disturbed due to evaporation.Caribsea AragaMilk is a Calcium Kalkwasser, which is safe to use and its minerals are available in the aquarium water in the solution form with a pH of about 8.2. The solution also stabilizes the Carbonate Hardness (KH) of the aquarium water to the desired level, which in turn checks harmful KH levels. Misbalanced KH may result in fish “shock,” with implications as extreme as their death.
Calcium Reactor Substrates. A Calcium Reactor is equipment used to maintain the right Alkalinity levels in both, Freshwater as well as Marine Aquariums. These reactors employ Calcium Reactor Substrates to realize their process. Caribsea offers a very effective Calcium Reactor Substrate, Aragonite Reactor Media (A.R.M.), which is well compatible with any of the Aquarium Calcium Reactors. Employing one of the finest qualities of Aragonite, ARM releases very slight amount of Phosphates in the Aquarium. The ready to use ARM available at Fresh Marine does not require rinsing and comes in 8 lbs pack of Fine as well as Coarse grade.
Phosphate Removers. Phosphate is a naturally occurring element and is one of the basic building blocks of all the living cells, including some undesirable ones, such as, unwanted algae in an aquarium. Reef Aquariums house excessive Phosphate and Silicates, which may result in unsightly, and disturbing, prolific algal growth there. Phosphate also reduces the aquarium levels of Calcium and Magnesium, important elements for the growth of Corals. Therefore, it is crucial that the extra Phosphate is removed from the aquarium water to maintain its correct level, a process well executed with the help of Phosphate Removers.Phos Buster Pro by Caribsea is a Phosphate Remover, which chemically binds with Phosphate present in aquarium water, and precipitates it in the tank as an inert, stable, and insoluble compound, to be filtered out later. You may use Phos Buster as a part of monthly, preventive maintenance. It comes in 8 oz. pack.
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Caribsea Inc is a name akin to Aragonite, a form of Calcium Carbonate. Importance of Calcium is well known especially in Marine Aquariums and so is the effectiveness of Caribsea products. Since 1972, Caribsea has been offering several substrates based simulated aquatic environment solutions to the world at large. The results are obvious in the form of well-grown, healthy, and colorful aquarium inmates. Fresh Marine brings to you a wide collection of these excellent products. Let us have a brief look.
Aquarium Substrates. Aquarium Substrates are the substances deployed on the bottom of the tank for improving its water quality chemically, performing Biological Filtration, and boosting the overall health of its occupants, while also enhancing its display value. The choice of Aquarium Substrates is largely decided by the type of Aquarium, Freshwater or Marine, it will be used in. The dark tone imparted to a tank by Aquarium Substrates sooths the fish by preventing the undesirable excess light from reaching the tank through a clear base. The Aquarium Substrates by Caribsea are available in 20 lbs packs, except for the 1-Gallon size of Caribsea Mineral Mud.
Calcium Kalkwasser. Calcium is a much-needed element in a Marine or Reef Aquarium, as Corals need it for their growth and development and to stay attached to their exoskeleton. This Calcium gap is well fulfilled by one of its best supplement forms, Calcium Kalkwasser, which contains Calcium Hydroxide and a type of Calcium, known as Pure Calcium. Calcium Kalkwasser raises the pH and KH/alkalinity levels of the aquarium water to keep these parameters to the desired levels, which are otherwise disturbed due to evaporation.
Calcium Reactor Substrates. A Calcium Reactor is equipment used to maintain the right Alkalinity levels in both, Freshwater as well as Marine Aquariums. These reactors employ Calcium Reactor Substrates to realize their process. Caribsea offers a very effective Calcium Reactor Substrate, Aragonite Reactor Media (A.R.M.), which is well compatible with any of the Aquarium Calcium Reactors. Employing one of the finest qualities of Aragonite, ARM releases very slight amount of Phosphates in the Aquarium. The ready to use ARM available at Fresh Marine does not require rinsing and comes in 8 lbs pack of Fine as well as Coarse grade.
Phosphate Removers. Phosphate is a naturally occurring element and is one of the basic building blocks of all the living cells, including some undesirable ones, such as, unwanted algae in an aquarium. Reef Aquariums house excessive Phosphate and Silicates, which may result in unsightly, and disturbing, prolific algal growth there. Phosphate also reduces the aquarium levels of Calcium and Magnesium, important elements for the growth of Corals. Therefore, it is crucial that the extra Phosphate is removed from the aquarium water to maintain its correct level, a process well executed with the help of Phosphate Removers.
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