Coral Beauty Angelfish - Centropyge bispinosus - Coral Beauty Angel Fish

Very common on the Great Barrier Reef, the Coral Beauty Angelfish is also known as the Twospined or Dusky Angelfish*. The body and head are a deep royal blue, highlighted with an iridescent orange to yellow. It is often confused with the Centropyge multispinis, also called Bluefin Angelfish. Vibrantly colored, the Coral Beauty stands out as an excellent addition to the home aquarium. One of the less aggressive of the family, the Coral Beauty is one addition that is more likely to behave itself in the home aquarium. The Coral Beauty is a stunningly colorful Dwarf Angelfish. Its body is mostly dark blue while the sides of its body has an undercolor of reds, yellows and oranges with narrow blue bars. Coral Beauty Angelfish prefer lots of rockwork to feel comfortable. The Coral Beauty Angel should be kept in a tank of 50 gallons or larger, so it'll have ample room to roam. They will spend most of their day grazing algae that grows on live rock. They should not be kept with other Dwarf Angels and only one should be kept per tank. Coral Beauty Angelfish should be kept in high quality water (SG 1.020 - 1.025, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Temp. 72 - 78° F).
The General Size In Which Dwarf Coral Beauty Angelfish are available is 2 to 4 inches. The maximum size coral beauty Angelfish grows is 4 inches.
Origin: Indo-pacific The Coral Beauty Angel is most commonly found in the Indo Pacific but ranges from East Africa to the Philippine Islands. Many Coral Beauty Angels seen in the pet trade are collected from Fiji.
Specific Care Information: Dwarf Angelfish are generally peaceful fish but will often quarrel with members of their own species and even genus if they look similar enough. Though there are reports generalizing this species are 'reef safe', we strongly advise to add them to a reef with extreme caution. The reason for this is that many of this species will behave like model citizens for a while, but one day will go after corals and clams for no reason. This may have something to do with the Dwarf Angelfish being predominately plankton eaters as juveniles. An underfed adult may attempt to try something new and find that clams and corals are it's newest favorite diet. We recommend purchasing the youngest specimen available in hopes it settles down and learns to eat a captive diet prior to learning that corals and clams are a tasty treat.
It is important to provide Dwarf Angelfish with plenty of good quality cured live rock and a well aquascaped aquarium with caves, archways and overhangs to swim through or hide in. Especially if there will be more than one Dwarf Angelfish in the same aquarium. Members of the Centropyge genus are referred to as Dwarf Angelfish because of their smaller size in relation to their larger Chaetodontoplus, Genicanthus, Holacanthus and Pomacanthus cousins.
Diet: In the wild the Coral Beauty angelfish has a varied diet consisting of algae and crustaceans and will easily adapt to captive foods and feed frozen mysis shrimp, amd meaty crustaceans such as shrimp and clam as well as spirulina, flake and other prepared foods.
Breeding and Propagation: Coral Beauty Angels begin their lives as an indeterminate sex, before becoming female. Females may turn into males as they develop. In a group of females without a male, an adult female may become a male. Many Coral Beauty Angels breed when one releases a gamete, or sex cell, which induces a courtship display of swimming, then spawning, then chasing each other. Because the fry of most Angels are planktonic in nature, they have proven extremely difficult to raise.

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