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Angelfish, Dwarf
Angelfish are considered by many to be the most beautiful fish associated with coral reefs. Many members of this family, known scientifically as the Pomacanthidae, grow too large for small and medium-size home aquariums. For example, most members of the genus Pomacanthus reach lengths in excess of 12 inches and require plenty of swimming room if they are to thrive in captivity. Yet there is one genus composed of smaller species, many of which readily acclimate to smaller aquariums. These are the members of the genera Centropyge, and to a lesser degree, Paracentropyge. These two genera are known commonly as pygmy or dwarf angelfish.

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Angelfish, Dwarf
The most popular pick among marine fishes, Angelfish is a Butterfly Fish belonging to the Genus Pomacanthus. Also known as Marine Dwarf Angels, and Pygmy Angels, Angelfish, Dwarf belongs to the Pomacanthidae family. Fresh Marine offers several beautiful Angelfish, Dwarf in vibrant colors, to grace your aquarium. However, prior to delving into specific models, let us understand the following standards common to Angelfish, especially, Angelfish, Dwarf.
Compatibility: Angelfish, Dwarf are compatible with the other tank mates though, moderately aggressive towards the members of their own species.Habit & Habitat. Angelfish exist in all parts of the world and inhabit Coral Reefs, Lagoons, Reef Slopes, Drop Offs, Rocky Areas, and Rubble Areas. Angelfish, Dwarf usually live in pairs, but there are some species, that are solitary and territorial.
Morphology. Angelfish are hardy creatures and have a peculiar spine on the lower side of their cheeks, which is used both as an organ of defense and attack. Angelfish, Dwarf can usually attain a size of up to four inches in an aquarium, while it grows to six inches in length in their natural habitat. The smaller varieties can be as small as 1-2 inches long.
Ideal Marine Aquarium Environment. Angelfish, Dwarf grow well in an aquarium with a temperature range of 72-78°F; Specific Gravity of 1.020-1.025; and pH level of water within 8.1-8.4. Ensure that your tank has ample hiding places (Rocks & Caves) for Angelfish, Dwarf.
Aquarium Feeding. Angelfish, Dwarf is Omnivorous and feeds especially on Algae and Tunicates. Therefore, they sustain well in an aquarium with Live Rocks, which have ample Algal growth for consumption. They can also eat Brine Shrimp and Bloodworms, but vegetables are an integral part of their diet.
Aquarium Breeding. Angelfish, Dwarf is hermaphrodite (bisexual) and their aquarium breeding is very difficult.
Care. Anybody from fresher to expert can easily maintain an Angelfish, Dwarf. However, it is important to note that these fish are usually aggressive towards each other. Therefore, try increasing their number only if you have a 3-4 months old aquarium of over 70 gallons capacity and keep Angelfish, Dwarf of different sizes in it. Moreover, introduce together, all the Angelfish, Dwarf you plan to keep so that they grow together and develop compatibility with each other, instead of usual aggression and territorial disposition.
Let us now look at some of the best selling Angelfish, Dwarf options available at Fresh Marine.
Bicolor Angelfish (Centropyge bicolor). Also known as, Oriole Angel, Bicolor Angel sports a striking combination of Deep Blue and Yellow colors. Growing up to an approximate size of 6 inches, this Angelfish, Dwarf lives for 12 years. Coral Beauty Angelfish (Centropyge bispinosus). Also commonly called as Twospined Angelfish and Dusky Angelfish, Coral Beauty Angelfish has Deep Royal Blue colored body and head with an iridescent Red, Orange and Yellow streaking. This Angelfish, Dwarf grows to a size of approximately 4 inches.
Eibli Angelfish (Centropyge eibli). Also known as Red Stripe Angelfish, and Blacktail, Eibli Angelfish is Pale Gray in color with its body vertically striped in Orange and Red colors. Orange color also marks around its eyes and belly. The rear part of this Angelfish, Dwarf’s body is generally Black hued with Blue color marking the rim of its Caudal Fin. Eibli Angelfish grows up to a size of 6 inches.
Fisher’s Angelfish (Centropyge fisheri). Also called as the Fisher's Pygmy, Fisher's Dwarf Angelfish, Orange Angelfish, and Yellowtail Angelfish, Fisher’s Angelfish is found only in Hawaii. This Angelfish, Dwarf is Orange in color with a Sapphire-Blue colored trim on the Belly & Anal Fin; and Pale Yellow hued Caudal Fin. Fisher’s Angelfish is very aggressive towards its own species and therefore, no more than one Angelfish; Dwarf should live in the aquarium. Fisher’s Angelfish is not very compatible with reef aquariums and grows up to 4-5 inches long.
Flame Angelfish (Centropyge loriculus). Most popular of all the Angelfish, Dwarf, Flame Angelfish is bright Red in color with Black Vertical stripes claiming each side of its body. Very easy to maintain, these Angelfish, Dwarf have semi compatibility with reef aquariums. Owing to their aggression towards other Flame Angelfish, one fish in a tank is the ideal quantity. This Angelfish, Dwarf grows up to 4 inches long.
Flameback Angelfish (Centropyge acanthops). Fresh Marine offers Flameback Angelfish of African and Brazilian origin. Also popularly called as African Pygmy Angelfish and Orangeback Angelfish, Flameback Angelfish has a striking combination of Blue and Orange-Yellow colors. Growing up to a size of 3 inches, this Angelfish, Dwarf can breed in aquarium. However, take care to introduce only one pair of fish of opposite genders, as they are immensely aggressive towards the same gender.
Golden Angelfish (Centropyge, aurantia), Half Back Angelfish (Centropyge vroliki), Keyhole Angelfish (Centropyge tibicen), Lemonpeel Angelfish (Centropyge flavissima), Midnight Angelfish (Centropyge nox), Multicolor Angelfish (Centropyge multicolor), Potter’s Angelfish (Centropyge potteri), Pygmy Cherub Angelfish (Centropyge argi), Pygmy Yellowtail Angelfish (Centropyge flavicauda), Rusty Angelfish (Centropyge ferrugatus), and Yellow Angelfish (Centropyge heraldi) are some other amazing options available in the range. Do check them out as well.
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The most popular pick among marine fishes, Angelfish is a Butterfly Fish belonging to the Genus Pomacanthus. Also known as Marine Dwarf Angels, and Pygmy Angels, Angelfish, Dwarf belongs to the Pomacanthidae family. Fresh Marine offers several beautiful Angelfish, Dwarf in vibrant colors, to grace your aquarium. However, prior to delving into specific models, let us understand the following standards common to Angelfish, especially, Angelfish, Dwarf.
Compatibility: Angelfish, Dwarf are compatible with the other tank mates though, moderately aggressive towards the members of their own species.
Let us now look at some of the best selling Angelfish, Dwarf options available at Fresh Marine.
Bicolor Angelfish (Centropyge bicolor). Also known as, Oriole Angel, Bicolor Angel sports a striking combination of Deep Blue and Yellow colors. Growing up to an approximate size of 6 inches, this Angelfish, Dwarf lives for 12 years. Coral Beauty Angelfish (Centropyge bispinosus). Also commonly called as Twospined Angelfish and Dusky Angelfish, Coral Beauty Angelfish has Deep Royal Blue colored body and head with an iridescent Red, Orange and Yellow streaking. This Angelfish, Dwarf grows to a size of approximately 4 inches.
Eibli Angelfish (Centropyge eibli). Also known as Red Stripe Angelfish, and Blacktail, Eibli Angelfish is Pale Gray in color with its body vertically striped in Orange and Red colors. Orange color also marks around its eyes and belly. The rear part of this Angelfish, Dwarf’s body is generally Black hued with Blue color marking the rim of its Caudal Fin. Eibli Angelfish grows up to a size of 6 inches.
Fisher’s Angelfish (Centropyge fisheri). Also called as the Fisher's Pygmy, Fisher's Dwarf Angelfish, Orange Angelfish, and Yellowtail Angelfish, Fisher’s Angelfish is found only in Hawaii. This Angelfish, Dwarf is Orange in color with a Sapphire-Blue colored trim on the Belly & Anal Fin; and Pale Yellow hued Caudal Fin. Fisher’s Angelfish is very aggressive towards its own species and therefore, no more than one Angelfish; Dwarf should live in the aquarium. Fisher’s Angelfish is not very compatible with reef aquariums and grows up to 4-5 inches long.
Flame Angelfish (Centropyge loriculus). Most popular of all the Angelfish, Dwarf, Flame Angelfish is bright Red in color with Black Vertical stripes claiming each side of its body. Very easy to maintain, these Angelfish, Dwarf have semi compatibility with reef aquariums. Owing to their aggression towards other Flame Angelfish, one fish in a tank is the ideal quantity. This Angelfish, Dwarf grows up to 4 inches long.
Flameback Angelfish (Centropyge acanthops). Fresh Marine offers Flameback Angelfish of African and Brazilian origin. Also popularly called as African Pygmy Angelfish and Orangeback Angelfish, Flameback Angelfish has a striking combination of Blue and Orange-Yellow colors. Growing up to a size of 3 inches, this Angelfish, Dwarf can breed in aquarium. However, take care to introduce only one pair of fish of opposite genders, as they are immensely aggressive towards the same gender.
Golden Angelfish (Centropyge, aurantia), Half Back Angelfish (Centropyge vroliki), Keyhole Angelfish (Centropyge tibicen), Lemonpeel Angelfish (Centropyge flavissima), Midnight Angelfish (Centropyge nox), Multicolor Angelfish (Centropyge multicolor), Potter’s Angelfish (Centropyge potteri), Pygmy Cherub Angelfish (Centropyge argi), Pygmy Yellowtail Angelfish (Centropyge flavicauda), Rusty Angelfish (Centropyge ferrugatus), and Yellow Angelfish (Centropyge heraldi) are some other amazing options available in the range. Do check them out as well.
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