Grey Poma Angelfish - Chaetodontoplus melanosoma - Black Velvet Angel Fish

Medium 3" - 4"
Large 4" - 5"

Grey Poma Angelfish Chaetodontoplus melanosoma (Bleeker 1853), Black Velvet Angelfish.Full size angels should not be mixed with other full size angels, unless it is in a tank of at least 180 gallons. A shy species, the Gray Poma Angel is a beautiful Angel popular for its coloration. The Gray Poma is not known to be that hardy in captivity, but if housed in a larger aquarium with use of live rock as the main decor. The chances of adapting are much greater. The Gray Poma Angel is not a good candidate for mixing with other Angels, but will get along in a peaceful community aquarium.
A non-aggressive fish in the aquarium, the Grey Poma Angelfish or Black Velvet Angel fish is a good community fish.
Female has an entirely yellow caudal fin.
Water Conditions: 72-78ºF; sg 1.020-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4.Normal temperatures for marine fish lie between 75 and 79 degrees.
The Grey Proma Angelfish groups Up to 7 inches in size. Dwarf Grey Proma Angelfish Are generally available at 2-3 inches. medium 3 to 4; inches; Sizes may vary slightly due to availability.
Habitat: The Grey Poma Angelfish or Black Velvet Angelfish are found at the Samurai Island off the eastern tip of New Guinea.
Specific Care Information: When first introduced in the aquarium, this angel appears nervous and may refuse to eat. Only purchase specimens that are out front and readily accept food. If not fed several times daily, this angel can quickly become emaciated and succumb to disease. Not suggested for the beginner aquarist.
It is important that you feed angelfish all kinds of live, frozen, and prepared formula foods. Best to feed small amounts several times a day. A good formula that can be made at home consists of mussels, shrimp, squid, and spinach.
Diet: The Chaetodontoplus melanosoma is a omnivore and likes to eat Omnivore. Primarily feeds on sessile Invertebrates, Algae, Sponges, and Tunicates. Should be offered a captive diet high in protein, with Sponge material i.e. Ocean Nutrition Angel Formula.

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