Assorted Lettuce Nudibranch - Bryopsis - Eating Nudibranch - Tridachia crispata - Lettuce Sea Slug
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Taxonomy: Lettuce Nudibranch - Bryopsis - Eating Nudibranch belongs to the Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Mollusca, Class Gastropoda, Order Sacoglossa, Family Elysiidae, Genus Elysia and Species crispata.
Scientific names: The scientific name of Lettuce Nudibranch - Bryopsis - Eating Nudibranch
Other common names:
Lettuce Nudibranch - Bryopsis - Eating Nudibranch is also commonly known as the Butterflies of the sea, Lettuce Sea Slug, Lettuce Leaf Nudibranch and Green Lettuce Nudibranch.
Origin or natural range:
Lettuce Nudibranch - Bryopsis - Eating Nudibranch is found in the South Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea and Bahamas.
Lettuce Nudibranch - Bryopsis - Eating Nudibranch may grow up to a size of three inches.
Lettuce Nudibranch - Bryopsis - Eating Nudibranch occurs in blue, green, cream, yellow, brown and orange colors.
Lettuce Nudibranch - Bryopsis - Eating Nudibranch is non-aggressive towards the other marine aquarium invertebrates.
Habit & Habitat:
- Lettuce Nudibranch - Bryopsis - Eating Nudibranch is not actually a nudibranch and is non-poisonous in nature.
- Lettuce Nudibranch - Bryopsis - Eating Nudibranch is generally found under decaying wood and vegetation.
- Lettuce Nudibranch - Bryopsis - Eating Nudibranch is a marine snail without a shell.
- The side appendages, called parapodia, are quite folded at the edges giving them a ruffled look which resemble the appearance of a lettuce, as suggested by the name Lettuce Nudibranch.
- Owing to stark similarity between the male and the female members of Lettuce Nudibranch - Bryopsis - Eating Nudibranch, it is difficult to differentiate between the two genders.
- The head of Lettuce Nudibranch - Bryopsis - Eating Nudibranch has a pair of stalked horns, scientifically called as rhinophores.
Growth enabling environment in your marine aquarium:
- Temperature of water: Seventy-two to seventy-eight degrees Fahrenheit.
- Specific gravity of water: 1.023 to 1.025.
- pH of water: 8.10 to 8.40.
- Water flow in the aquarium: Lettuce Nudibranch - Bryopsis - Eating Nudibranch requires moderate water flow in the marine aquarium hosting it.
- Illumination: Lettuce Nudibranch - Bryopsis - Eating Nudibranch needs high intensity lighting in the reef tank it inhabits.
- Habit & habitat: To host Lettuce Nudibranch - Bryopsis - Eating Nudibranch, you should have a reef type marine aquarium having Live Rocks with ample algal growth on them.
- As the name suggests, Lettuce Nudibranch - Bryopsis - Eating Nudibranch feeds exclusively upon Bryopsis Algae and is therefore, Herbivorous in its feeding habit.
- Give Lettuce Nudibranch - Bryopsis - Eating Nudibranch enough space to eat its food, Bryopsis Algae.
- As Lettuce Nudibranch - Bryopsis - Eating Nudibranch eats the algae, it incorporates the algal chloroplast into its tissues and performs photosynthesis to get energy.
- Lettuce Nudibranch - Bryopsis - Eating Nudibranch requires moderate care and therefore, should be maintained and handled by expert aquarists only.
- The high levels of Copper and Nitrates in the marine aquarium may be detrimental to the health of Lettuce Nudibranch - Bryopsis - Eating Nudibranch.
- Chemical poisoning, fluctuation in environmental conditions and undernourishment are the common causes of the death of Lettuce Nudibranch - Bryopsis - Eating Nudibranch in a marine aquarium.
- Aggressive fish may attack Lettuce Nudibranch - Bryopsis - Eating Nudibranch, eventually killing it or damaging it severely. Therefore, do not keep Lettuce Nudibranch - Bryopsis - Eating Nudibranch and any aggressive fish in the same marine aquarium.
- Put mesh covers on drains, power heads and pump intakes in your marine aquarium to prevent Lettuce Nudibranch - Bryopsis - Eating Nudibranch from getting sucked in and getting harmed or getting killed.

Red Lettuce Nudibranch - Bryopsis - Eating Nudibranch - Tridachia crispata - Lettuce Sea Slug
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Purple Lettuce Nudibranch - Bryopsis - Eating Nudibranch - Tridachia crispata - Lettuce Sea Slug
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Yellow Lettuce Nudibranch - Bryopsis - Eating Nudibranch - Tridachia crispata - Lettuce Sea Slug
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