Potter's Wrasse - Macropharyngodon geoffroyi - Potter's Leopard Wrasse

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Potter's Wrasse - Macropharyngodon geoffroyi
Potter’s Wrasse is also known as Potter's leopard Wrasse, Geoffroy's Wrasse, or Shortnose Wrasse. It has an orange peach body with numerous bright blue markings.
Potter's Wrasse is rarely aggressive and is best kept in peaceful tanks with other non-aggressive fish. Potter's Wrasse has a peaceful temperament. Although hermaphroditic, males will often fight if kept together. Females tend to prefer to school. Potter's Wrasse eats specifically foraminiferous (small red spiked formations on rocks), copepods and amphipods. Like other wrasse Potter's Wrasse is generally compatible with: Large Angelfish, Boxfish, Damselfish and Tangs and Surgeons. They are not compatible with: Batfish, Pseudochromis, Seahorse, Pipefish, and Sharks & Rays. Potter’s Wrasse is shy and need plenty of cover to hide from its tank mates. Potter’s Wrasse is difficult is keep in captivity.
Potter's Wrasse is a salt water fish and is found in Tonga, Fiji and the Coral Sea. Potter's Wrasse is suitable for expert aquarist. Potter's Wrasse is difficult to keep and is a high maintenance fish. It is difficult to teach Potter's Wrasse to accept frozen or prepared foods and should be attempted by an advanced aquarist only in a well established tank with a fully operating refugium.
A 60 gallon or larger aquarium with well established live rock with a layer of live sand is suitable for Potter’s Wrasse. It best suits with peaceful tank mates. It has no specific swimming level. It needs lot of space to swim and hide from its tankmates. Potter’s Wrasse eats small invertebrates (foraminiferans and amphipods) that grow on live rock. The diet should be supplemented with live feeder shrimp and black worms, and frozen preparations for carnivores. Potter's Wrasse is an egg layer but breeding of these fishes in aquarium is extremely difficult, as they cannot be bred in captivity. Males have just spots in the face and females have spots and lines in the face.
Maximum Size: Potter's Wrasse grows up to 6 inches.
General Size Specifications: The small size will come to you generally 2 to 4 inches; the medium generally 4 inches; the large generally 5 to 6 inches.
Minimum Tank Size: Potter's Wrasse prefers a tank of at least 60 gallons with plenty of places to hide & swim. Water conditions: Keep water quality high (SG 1.020 - 1.025, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Temp. 72 - 78° F). The light in the tank should be kept high. The tank set up may be marine: coral, rock or with plants.
Habitat: Range: Hawaii
Feeding and Diet: Potter's Wrasse is a carnivore and likes to eat mostly live foods, copepods, foraminiferans, and amphipods predominately. Potter's Wrasse can be taught to accept frozen mysis shrimp with time and patience.

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