Purple Velvet Wrasse Male - Cirrhilabrus luteovittatus - Yellow Streaked Fairy Wrasse - Marshall Island Fairy Wrasse

The male Purple Velvet Wrasse, also known as the Velvet Multicolor Wrasse, Yellowstreaked Fairy Wrasse or Yellowband Wrasse, has a bright maroon body, with a horizontal yellow streak on the side. There are blue stripes on the dorsal and anal fins. The females generally are not as colorful. They are olive green and purplish blue, and have two rows of red spots from the base of the pectoral fin to the tail.
A 55 gallon or larger aquarium, either fish-only or reef, provides a good habitat. This species prefers dim lighting. The Yellowstreaked Fairy Wrasse is often kept in groups, however, females should be introduced prior to or at the same time as the male.
Purple Velvet Wrasses are peaceful fish and can be kept in the reef aquarium with little problem. Beginning aquarium owners can keep this fish with little trouble at all.
The Purple Velvet Wrasse is often found in small groups in lagoons and channels over coral or stands of macroalgae. It is most common at depths over 45 feet. Males are maroon with a large yellow stripe while females are olive and purple with some yellow on the abdomen.
Purple Velvet Wrasses are generally hardy in aquaria. Acclimation for adult males can be difficult and may require live food. They may be conspecifically aggressive but tolerate other unrelated species well. They should be provided with plenty of swimming space because they are active fish. Two males should not be housed together. Males may fade in color if no females are present.
Maximum Size: Purple Velvet Wrasses grows up to 5 inches
General Size Specifications: Purple Velvet Wrasses grow to around 3 inches at full length.
Minimum Tank Size: Purple Velvet Wrasses prefers a tank of at least 30 gallons in size to provide plenty of living and swimming room for these fish. Water Conditions: Keep water quality high (SG 1.020 - 1.025, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Temp. 72 - 78° F).
Habitat: Purple Velvet Wrasses come from the waters of the Indo-Pacific and around the islands of the Maldives.
Feeding and Diet: Purple Velvet Wrasses are carnivores and should be fed a steady diet of feeder fish and flaked foods for best health. Feed a variety of meaty foods including mysis shrimp, vitamin enriched brine shrimp and frozen preparations.

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