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Hailing from the Family, Blenniidae, and also known as Comb tooth Blennys, Blennys are small sized, scale less Fish. Quite a preferred pick by aquarists due to their vibrant colors, Blennys are available in both, Marine as well as Freshwater varieties. Fresh Marine offers several beautiful Blennys of different types, to grace your aquarium. However, prior to delving into specific models, let us understand the following standards common to Blennys.
Compatibility: Blennys are peaceful and are generally compatible with the other tank mates, though some species are not too easy in Reef Aquariums. In addition, Blennys are territorial in disposition, and may attack the members of their own species, except for the ones they can form a mating pair with.Habit & Habitat. Blennys are found in Tropical and Subtropical Waters of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. These fish can be spotted on rocky coasts, Coastal Lagoons, in the holes between the rocks or reefs, near the sea floor, buried in sand, and empty Mollusk Shells. Adult Blennys may live in small groups or may prefer to stay solitary, while the Juveniles usually stay in Mangrove/Brackish water.
Morphology. Growing to a maximum of 3.9-6.0, Blennys have a slim and elongated body with prominent eyes and mouth. The Dorsal Fins of Blennys are long, and the Pelvic Fins are short and slender & precede the Pectoral Fins, while the Caudal or the Tail Fin is usually round. The heads of Blennys are blunt and sport Cirri, a type of Whisker. The distinguishing feature of these Blennys is their comb shaped teeth and therefore the name, Comb Tooth Blenny.
Ideal Marine Aquarium Environment. Blennys grow well in an aquarium with a temperature range of 72-78°F; Specific Gravity of 1.020-1.025; pH level of water within 8.1-8.4; and dKH 8-12. A minimum of 20 Gallons capacity tank is required for keeping Blennys. Ensure that your tank has ample hiding places (Rocks & Caves) for Blennys.
Aquarium Feeding. Blennys are Omnivorous and feed especially on Crustaceans, Mollusks, Mysis Shrimp, Brine Shrimp, Plankton, other invertebrates, Algae (especially Blue-Green), and Vegetables. Therefore, they sustain well in an aquarium with Live Rocks, which have ample Algal growth for consumption. They can also eat Brine Shrimp and Bloodworms, but vegetables are an integral part of their diet.
Aquarium Breeding. Male Blennys are larger than their female counterparts and their color changes when breeding. Aquarium breeding in Blennys is very difficult.
Care. Anybody from moderately expert to proficient can maintain Blennys. However, it is important to note that these fish are usually aggressive towards each other. Therefore, try increasing their number only if you have a well-established aquarium of over 55 gallons capacity. Keep 2-3 females per male.
Let us now look at some of the best selling Blennys options available at Fresh Marine.
Ecsenius Genus. They are Herbivorous feeders that eat algae and vegetables.Bicolor Blenny (Ecsenius bicolor). Also known as Two-Colored Blenny, these Blennys are bright Orangish posterior, dark Brownish anterior and sport Black & White stripes all along the body.
Midas Blenny (Ecsenius midas). Also known as Midas Lyretail Blenny, and Persian Blenny, these Blennys are Golden Yellow in color with their Ornamental Caudal Fin shaped like a lyre. Owing to their beautiful morphology, these Blennys are quite popular picks for Reef Aquariums with peaceful fishes in it. The fish grows up to a good 5.
Meiacanthus Genus. These Omnivorous feeders are Reef Compatible. In addition, these Blennys are equipped with venomous fangs that they use as a weapon of defense against the attacking fish. It is advisable to keep the kids away from the members of this Genus as they may painfully bite their fingers in case the kids try fiddling with these fish. Hand feeding should also be avoided with these Blennys.Canary Fang Blenny (Meiacanthus ovalaunensis). Also known as Canary Blenny, Green Canary, and Oualan Forktail Blenny, these Blennys are bright Canary Yellow in color. Equipped with venomous fangs, these Blennys have slender and long body, along with an elongated Tail Fin.
Forktail Blenny (Meiacanthus atrodorsalis). Also known as Yellowtail Fang and Lyretail Fang Blenny, these Blennys have a fork shaped Tail Fin, with two long outermost Spines and five short, middle Spines. The body of Blennys is pale Blue in color, which merge to shade the tail Bluish-Yellow. These Blennys are equipped with a Swim Bladder.
Smith's Fang Blenny (Meiacanthus smithii). Also known as Smith's Disco Blenny, Smiths Blenny, Disco Blenny, and White's Blenny, these Blennys are Bluish in color with horizontal Black stripes running along their body length. These Blennys are equipped with Fangs to defend themselves from aggressive fish. These Blennys require careful handling as their bite is a bit toxic.
Striped Fang Blenny (Meiacanthus grammistes). Also known as Striped Grammistes Blenny, Gammistes Blenny, Striped Blenny, and Striped Poison-Fang Blenny, these Blennys have alternating Black and Yellow stripes running along the body length. These Blennys grow to a maximum of 5.
Salarias Genus. Growing up to a maximum of 5.1, these Herbivorous and Reef compatible Blennys require a minimum of 55Gallons tank size.Lawnmower Blenny (Salarias fasciatus). Also known as Jeweled Rock skipper, Rock Blenny, Algae Blenny, and Jeweled Blenny, these Blennys are Grey or Tan and White in color with Light Blue colored dots all over the face. Aggressive Algae eaters, these Blennys graze off all the algae, including Hair Algae, present on Live Rocks and overall aquarium in general. These Blennys have a jumping tendency and they keep jumping here and there.
Exallias Genus. Growing up to a maximum of 6, these Blennys require a fish only aquarium of minimum 50 Gallons. Great if you could have some Small-Polyped Stony Corals in the aquarium for these Blennys to feed upon. Owing to their finicky food habits, these Blennys are better handled by expert aquarists who can feed them at least thrice a day. As these Blennys feed upon Corals, they should not be kept in a Reef Tanks.Leopard Blenny (Exallias brevis). Also known as Sailfin Blenny, Honeycomb Blenny, Leopard Blenny, and Leopard Rock skipper. These Blennys have a White body with Brown mottles all over. These Blennys have a branched tentacle above both eyes.
Synchiropus Genus. Feeding on Amphipods and Copepods, found around Live Rocks and Live Sand, these Blennys are Carnivorous and do better in well-established Reef Aquariums. Males have a large Dorsal Fin. Despite territorial disposition, you can form their very small, peaceful group with 2-3 females per male, in a large aquarium. Measuring a maximum of 3, these Blennys are difficult to maintain.Red Scooter Dragonet Blenny (Synchiropus stellatus). Also known as, Starry Dragonet, Stellate Dragonet, Red Scooter Dragonet Blenny, and Synchiropus stellatus, these Blennys are Reddish Brown in color.
Scooter Dragonet Blenny (Synchiropus ocellatus). These are also known as, Scooter Dragonet and Ocellated Dragonet.
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Hailing from the Family, Blenniidae, and also known as Comb tooth Blennys, Blennys are small sized, scale less Fish. Quite a preferred pick by aquarists due to their vibrant colors, Blennys are available in both, Marine as well as Freshwater varieties. Fresh Marine offers several beautiful Blennys of different types, to grace your aquarium. However, prior to delving into specific models, let us understand the following standards common to Blennys.
Compatibility: Blennys are peaceful and are generally compatible with the other tank mates, though some species are not too easy in Reef Aquariums. In addition, Blennys are territorial in disposition, and may attack the members of their own species, except for the ones they can form a mating pair with.
Ecsenius Genus. They are Herbivorous feeders that eat algae and vegetables.
Meiacanthus Genus. These Omnivorous feeders are Reef Compatible. In addition, these Blennys are equipped with venomous fangs that they use as a weapon of defense against the attacking fish. It is advisable to keep the kids away from the members of this Genus as they may painfully bite their fingers in case the kids try fiddling with these fish. Hand feeding should also be avoided with these Blennys.
Salarias Genus. Growing up to a maximum of 5.1, these Herbivorous and Reef compatible Blennys require a minimum of 55Gallons tank size.
Exallias Genus. Growing up to a maximum of 6, these Blennys require a fish only aquarium of minimum 50 Gallons. Great if you could have some Small-Polyped Stony Corals in the aquarium for these Blennys to feed upon. Owing to their finicky food habits, these Blennys are better handled by expert aquarists who can feed them at least thrice a day. As these Blennys feed upon Corals, they should not be kept in a Reef Tanks.
Synchiropus Genus. Feeding on Amphipods and Copepods, found around Live Rocks and Live Sand, these Blennys are Carnivorous and do better in well-established Reef Aquariums. Males have a large Dorsal Fin. Despite territorial disposition, you can form their very small, peaceful group with 2-3 females per male, in a large aquarium. Measuring a maximum of 3, these Blennys are difficult to maintain.
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