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HO UVB Compact Flourescent BulbHO UVB Compact Flourescent Bulb

HO UVB Compact Fluorescent Bulb

Appropriate lighting is essential in a Terrarium, for the proper upkeep of its Reptiles. In the absence of the Sun’s Light, it becomes imperative that the proper life sustaining conditions should be maintained in captive conditions; otherwise, the Terrarium population may find it difficult to survive. HO UVB Compact Fluorescent Bulbs are one of the cheapest and the most economical Terrarium Lights available. HO UVB Compact Fluorescent Bulbs are popular as they are easier to install than the Linear Fluorescent Bulbs. In addition, the HO UVB Compact Fluorescent Bulbs do not need Ballast. These bulbs give the same amount of visible light as that of standard Incandescent Lamps, while using lesser power and having longer life. UVB is generally defined as the wavelength band from 290-320 nm. This light band is very useful for Reptiles, but for the desired results, it is always better to combine HO UVB Compact Fluorescent Bulbs with very high visual light output. Fresh Marine has lined up some of the best available options for you to choose from. Take a look.

HO UVB Compact Fluorescent Bulbs by Hagen Exo Terra.
  • Hagen Exo Terra Repti Glow 5.0 UVB. These Self Ballasted HO UVB Compact Fluorescent Bulbs, meant for Tropical & Sub-Tropical Terrariums, are easy to install, as they need only few Screws to operate. These HO UVB Compact Fluorescent Bulbs are spiral in shape, which enables their mounting in the Terrarium, both, horizontally and vertically, without adversely affecting their output. These HO UVB Compact Fluorescent Bulbs have high UVB output, which is effective up to 12 inches. The UVB Rays leverage Calcium Metabolism, while the UVA Radiations stimulate Appetite, Activity, and Mating in Reptiles. The output of UVB in the case of Repti Glow 5.0 HO UVB Compact Fluorescent Bulbs is moderate to high, which is almost similar to that of the shady environments of Rain Forests and other Tropical locations. The combination of Repti Glow 5.0 UVB with Repti Glow 2.0 should be used for high visual light output. These HO UVB Compact Fluorescent Bulbs are available in two different power ratings, 13 watts and 26 watts.
  • Hagen Exo Terra Repti Glow 10.0 UVB. These HO UVB Compact Fluorescent Bulbs, similar in working as Repti Glow 5.0 UVB, are mostly suitable for Desert Dwelling Reptiles. These HO UVB Compact Fluorescent Bulbs should be used in screened Terrariums and are effective for up to 20 inches. Again, these are available in two different power ratings according to the requirement, 13 watts, and 26 watts.

  • ReptiSun by ZooMed. These ReptiSun 10.0 HO UVB Compact Fluorescent Bulbs are suited for all the Tropical Reptiles & Amphibians. These HO UVB Compact Fluorescent Bulbs deliver Full Spectrum light with 5% UVB and 30% UVA Rays. The ReptiSun HO UVB Compact Florescent Bulbs use a particular UVB broadcasting Quartz Glass for intense UVB penetration. These bulbs are easy to install in the Standard Threaded Sockets and do not require separate Ballast. The UVB emission prevents or reverses the Metabolic Bone Disease and improves Calcium Metabolism. It also improves the Shell growth of all the captive Turtles and Tortoises. In addition, the UVA Radiation modifies and increases the appetite, natural activity, and helps in bringing on the reproductive behavior in captive Reptiles.

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