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Nitrate in Marine AquariumNitrate in Marine Aquarium

Nitrate in Marine Aquarium

Nitrate is the final by-product of the Nitrogen Cycle, which occurs in all aquaria, essentially during the initial stages of set up and periodically thereafter. In the third phase of the Nitrogen Cycle, nitrite is oxidized and converted to nitrate. Nitrate is the product of the breakdown of fish waste and is released into the tank water constantly. Ideally, the nitrate levels in a marine aquarium should be very low and be virtually immeasurable by routine testing devices.

Effects on Marine Life
Although a minimal amount of nitrate is essential for a well-balanced and functional marine tank, rising levels of the same should be alarming for any aquarist. Here are some consequences of increased nitrate levels in a marine aquarium:

  • Health Issues: Excess nitrates are extremely dangerous for all marine tank inhabitants, specifically corals and other invertebrates.
  • Fish Health: Fishes are generally little more resistant but do get affected if the nitrate rise is sharp. The consequences may include stress, sickness, listlessness, dull skin, and reduction in growth rate.
  • Lethal for Fauna: Most marine plants die off if nitrates levels in a tank rise. This scenario would lead to oxygen scarcity.
  • Algal Threat: Nitrate accumulation also results in the overgrowth of nuisance causing alga, as nitrates are their main food.
  • Chemical Toxicity: Rising nitrate levels are often an indicator of further, more serious threats to marine life, the accumulation of other undesirable compounds.

  • Causes of Rise in Nitrate Levels
    Nitrate levels in aquariums increase mainly due to neglect and their poor maintenance. Water change routines must be strictly followed. In addition, fish feedings must be of a high quality and limited in quantity. The water being used to fill up the tank must be purified and filtered with utmost care to prevent water change routines from backfiring.

    In case of high nitrate levels in a marine tank, the following steps can be taken to control the same:
  • Water Change: Large water change needs to be done quickly. Carefully monitor the quality of water as well as sea salt.
  • Live Additions: Introduce a combination of live rock and live sand in the marine tank.
  • Mangroves: Installing these in an aquarium is effective as well as convenient. Mangroves feed largely on nitrates and require little maintenance.
  • Filter Maintenance: Regularly clean or replace your filter & its parts, as required.
  • Use of Suitable Equipment: Deploy nitrate-absorbing equipment such as a coil denitrator or a nitrate sponge in the aquarium for quick results.

    Controlling nitrates in a marine aquarium is not difficult. Constant vigil and a carefully chosen denitrification method can help rectify the problem and ensure a healthy marine life in your tank.

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