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Scorpions are one of the most venomous, yet very beautiful and colorful Marine Fish, belonging to the Family Scorpaenidae. Fresh Marine offers some interesting specimen of these Scorpions. Prior to proceeding to them however, let us look at some of the common features of Scorpions.
Compatibility. Scorpions are semi-aggressive in nature, which is coupled by their Carnivorous food habit and venomous Fins. Scorpions are Reef Compatible but with caution.Habit & Habitat. Scorpions are usually found at the bottom, on Coral Reefs, or among Corals, in the Temperate & Tropical Seas and the Indo-Pacific Ocean. These venomous fish are Benthic Dwellers and dwell on Sand, Silt, Sand Seabed, and Coral Reefs, where they can easily hide or avoid predators. To enable their hiding well, Scorpions mimic their surroundings and even resort to camouflaging.
Morphology. Scorpions have a compressed Body, Ridges, and/or Spines, on the Head, Operculum, and Preopercle. The Spiny & sail like Dorsal Fin, and the Rayed Pectoral Fins, both are venomous. They have Jaw Teeth.
Ideal Marine Aquarium Environment. Rays require a Specific Gravity of 1.020-1.025, a pH of 8.1-8.4, and a Temperature of 72-78°F, in the aquarium. Keep ample hiding places such as, Corals, Caves, Gorgonians, and Rocks in your aquarium for the Scorpions to hide.
Aquarium Feeding. Scorpions are Carnivorous in their feeding habit and eat Crustaceans, Shrimp, Shellfish, Squid, & small Fish.
Aquarium Breeding. Scorpions release a gelatinous mass with the eggs in it.
Care. Owing to their poisonous nature, Scorpions are moderately difficult to handle and usually Expert Aquarists should maintain them.
Now, lets look at the options available at Fresh Marine.
Leaf Fish Scorpion Fish (Taenianotus triacanthus). Also known as Leaf Scorpionfish, Paper Fish, and Sailfin Leaf Fish, these fish are approximately 4” in length and require a tank of minimum 20 Gallons. These Scorpions occur in White, Pink, Red, and Green colors and undergo periodical Molting, where they shed their skin to develop new. These fish mimic their environment in order to attack their prey.
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Scorpions are one of the most venomous, yet very beautiful and colorful Marine Fish, belonging to the Family Scorpaenidae. Fresh Marine offers some interesting specimen of these Scorpions. Prior to proceeding to them however, let us look at some of the common features of Scorpions.
Compatibility. Scorpions are semi-aggressive in nature, which is coupled by their Carnivorous food habit and venomous Fins. Scorpions are Reef Compatible but with caution.
Now, lets look at the options available at Fresh Marine.
Leaf Fish Scorpion Fish (Taenianotus triacanthus). Also known as Leaf Scorpionfish, Paper Fish, and Sailfin Leaf Fish, these fish are approximately 4” in length and require a tank of minimum 20 Gallons. These Scorpions occur in White, Pink, Red, and Green colors and undergo periodical Molting, where they shed their skin to develop new. These fish mimic their environment in order to attack their prey.
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